Southampton Press Newspaper Article

While I was vacationing on eastern Long Island in New York, a reporter for the SOUTHAMPTON PRESS, Phoebe Nir, wrote an article about me, my book PLANET HUNTER, and the talk I gave at The Quogue Library. Phoebe described my research at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, Geoff Marcy’s planet hunting techniques, and the importance of quality nonfiction, particularly astronomy, for children and young adults.

In particular, Phoebe’s article points out how I wrote PLANET HUNTER to show that everything about outer space is more than just “sci-fi, aliens and ET sorts of things,” and that “there are so many amazing facts that are even more compelling than the fantasy!” Here’s the link to Phoebe’s article: CHILDREN’S BOOK EXPLAINS HOW SCIENTISTS SEARCH FOR OTHER EARTHS


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